Genre#1: Online Newspaper Article
US Racial Inequality the oldest and Most Calamitous Pandemic; Will it ever come to an
By: Mathew Guillermo
April 25, 2022
Racial inequality is characterized by disparities in the allocation of power, economy, opportunities, and overall resources between races. All of this points to one fundamental issue: RACISM, which began centuries ago and continues to exist in today’s culture, veiled through racial inequality.
The Origins of Racial Inequality
“To achieve full racial separation, city officials developed policies to form distinctly Black and White neighborhoods” (Render). Racial inequality has its origins in slavery. When slavery was abolished in 1865, government officials implemented a segregation strategy that segregated individuals based on race, with blacks living in separate towns and everything kept separate from whites. The most obvious segregation, however, was in terms of accessibility. Black people did not have the same resources and opportunities as white people. As a result, they were rendered “free,” but without the tools they needed to achieve any degree of equality with whites. “In 1928, the Austin City Plan effectively funneled Black Austinites into the city’s east side” (Render). “In short, Austin officials confined the city’s Black community to an area without adequate resources or economic opportunity” (Render). This scene which occurred in Austin Texas gives a scope of what the entire United States was like during that time. Racism which has persisted over generations and is still being thought about by young children is what fuels racial inequality. Moreover, the opportunities denied and the inaccessibility to socio-economic stability it is the mentality, education, and mental health of those who produce this issue which is at the core of the problem. It’s mind-boggling and concerning that individuals who don’t even know one other, youngsters who were born innocent, don’t want any type of relationship because of someone’s race. Race is something that is hereditary and cannot be chosen at birth, yet it does not make someone less capable or less important. Yet, in the insensible minds and hearts of racist white people and government officials’ race is determining, giving these despicable beings the belief that they can play and manipulate defenseless people who haven’t done anything but give life a chance and try to survive in a society designed for whites.
Surviving Racial Inequality
The only phrase that can be used to characterize the lives of non-whites in the United States today is “survival.” The lives of black and minority race people in the United States are always precarious; it’s like living in a horror movie, or perhaps something more relatable to everyone today, like surviving a pandemic. When the Covid 19 pandemic hit the globe in 2020, people were terrified, unsure of what to do, and lived in desperation, attempting to keep themselves and their loved ones safe. This is quite similar to how minority races live in the United States now as a result of racial inequality. Living on the minimal necessities, barely enough to feed their families, and urgently looking for methods to offer a better life for their children, one in which they do not have to worry about paying for a suitable education or living in poverty. Nonetheless, it appears that there is no way out. When it comes to finding employment, many people, even those who meet all the necessary qualifications and have completed their school, are denied access to well-paying corporate jobs due to their race. Many of these employers are racists who refuse to hire black or minority race persons just because of their skin color or ethnicity. Thousands of lawsuits have been filed in recent years across the United States against companies that allegedly discriminated against candidates based on race. Despite this, the lawsuits are tossed out and not even probed as thoroughly as they should be. In an article by VOX Jenny Yang who is chair of the Employment Discrimination Organization expressed how “It generally takes more time for investigators to make a finding of discrimination than to close a case based on insufficient evidence” (Yang). Meaning, investigators aren’t performing their duties because it’s simpler to shut a case and still get paid, while millions of black people face the consequences in their everyday lives. Millions of people around the United States are called names, and many blacks have reported being called “MONKEYS” on work sites. This is also found in schools, ranging from kindergarten to college. Because of racial inequality, life for black and minority people in the United States is a perpetual existence of barely making it through the month and sitting in impotence at the end of each day because they lack the power or adequate means to try to improve their lives.
Ending Racial Inequality: A Glimmer of Hope
In the United States, black people are relegated to public housing and low-income rentals. Because government regulations prevent non-whites from achieving the American Dream of homeownership and economic mobility, Grassroots Leadership prepared activists and community leaders to respond to civil rights and labor challenges. Grassroots Leadership addressed concerns such as privatization of education, health care, public services, and, most crucially, prisons, because racial disparity exists everywhere across the United States. Many organizations have developed throughout the years to address the disadvantages that exist in the United States and impede the prosperity of black minorities. Much progress has been made as a result of having black individuals in positions of power, such as Barack Obama, the first black president, or Kamala Harris, the first black female vice president, who was elected this past year. Nonetheless, these things provide satisfaction to the black and minority communities and send a message that black people are capable of achieving everything they set their minds to. However, this is insufficient. Nothing is accomplished by granting these people this authority if they do not utilize it to correct wrongdoing and assist their own people. Government officials and persons in positions of authority have the ability to initiate change by regulating the American system to make blacks and whites equal in opportunities and access to resources. Enforcing the law to ensure that blacks have equal rights. Making certain that cases for discrimination at schools or workplaces are pursued to their conclusion, or giving free or affordable education to those who cannot afford it. Not allowing money to be an impediment or determining factor in deciding which school to attend. Something that can be done is to provide full ride loans to kids who cannot afford to attend private prominent colleges, with manageable payment arrangements. Much may be done, but the reform must begin in the White House and work its way down to the working class.
Genre# 2: Instagram social media post
Part Two: Rationale
My topic statement is “Racial inequality is leading to sharp decline in graduation rates and therefore lower living standards for the entire country”. In my inquiry-based essay I concluded that the impediments that are placed upon black and minority race people by whites to avoid their incline in socio-economic status and their overall equality to them are leading to students dropping out of school. Minority race people do not have the resources to pay for high end education and add to this the poor living conditions to which they are confined students tend to drop school to work instead. People from minority races can barely make enough money to survive yet, the racists system discriminates them therefore no matter how well educated or prepared they are they would still be at a disadvantage due to racism and racial inequality. I am addressing people with power occupying lead government positions who have the resources and responsibility of initiating this change, which preserves the constitution and the liberties that are promised to the people within it. This change must start in government regulating the American system to ensure equality in worksites, schools and opportunities as well as provide minority groups with the tools necessary to work themselves into higher socio-economic status. My purpose is to expose the issue at hand and try to create a mental image of what minority groups live in the US to convince my audience to use their power to give minority groups an opportunity to work for a better tomorrow. There is no way of totally eradication racism, it is something that is sad to say but most likely will always exist. However, what government officials can do and must do in compliance with their duties is put an end to racial disparities. This can only be done by providing equal accessibility to the resources provided by the government, no matter the race, religion, or gender. My audience engages most in genres such as Newspaper articles, twitter, Instagram, or blog post. This I why I want to take a more formal approach of exposure using newspaper articles and social media which has become very important today.
An Instagram post would be a good genre to catch my audience attention being that Instagram is one of the most used platforms today. Not only this but Instagram unlike other social media platforms allows one to directly interact with other users and with the use of hashtags and tags can increase the chances of it being seen by more people. Social media specifically over time has become one of the most used medias and forms of exposing news and social issues. This has to do with its accessibility to the public. Not everyone can get an article posted on to a famous newspaper or magazine, only people of opulence and influence can. Yet, with social media this is different, everyone has access to social media and to post and expose any content desire. Social me has begun many movements in the past decade. For example, the Black Lives Matter movement that took place in 2020 began in social media through hashtags and even images (in this case black backgrounds were used) or even emojis to show protest. I am very familiar with the Instagram platform being that I use it many hours per day and know how influential it can be catching the attention of millions when the information is properly presented. Overall, social media is a good choice because of the accessibility that it provides no matter the race or social status.
An online newspaper article is also a good medium to expose my topic since everyone reads news articles to keep informed. In fact, a report made by the New York Times concluded that over 90% of government officials read these newspaper articles daily whether online or in paper. Specifically, they read articles from sites like the Washington post or New York times which have prestige and are known. However, I would say an online source would be better being that technology nowadays makes a great part of our lives and the uses of paper printed news articles has declined a lot since the use of online newspapers. Moreover, something very important about news articles are the headlines. Having a good catchy headline that summarizes the main points but challenges the readers thoughts will catch public attention. The headline acts like a hook to an essay but can even start movements like hashtags or images do in social media. These headlines used can act as slogans during a protest and lead for government officials to pay more attention to the social issue being exposed.
Part Three: Model Essay
Racial inequality in the United States has resulted in a sharp decline in the overall quality of lifestyle in the US alongside many other underlying effects like lower graduation rates specifically for people from black and minority races. Racial inequality is described as a discrepancy in socioeconomic opportunities between races, with minorities always at a disadvantage. The broad inequality in resource availability owing to one’s race may be evident everywhere, from courts to schools to jobs. Hispanics, African Americans, and other non-whites face significant obstacles and are unlikely to succeed. College possibilities are not equal for all races and the quality of early-childhood education is not comparable for whites and non-whites. During job interviews or even when doing something as simple as looking for a car insurance quote, many people are stereotyped based on their ethnicity or appearance, having racism as the root of this social issue. Racial inequality is a modern-day kind of segregation that oppresses all nonwhite people in the United States and prevents them from developing and achieving a higher level of living. Because racial inequality is a barrier to education, jobs, and the overall disengagement of minority groups in American society, the two genre compositions will look at how racial inequality is contributing to a lower quality of life in the country.
The first genre composition is a newspaper article about racial injustice and its historical and current impact on American society. The article begins with a thought-provoking query that grabs the reader’s attention by comparing racial inequality to a pandemic. Many things may be connected to situations of racial disparity and living in the United States as a minority race, but the most fascinating is a pandemic. This is due to the fact that the entire globe has recently been struck by a pandemic, thus nothing is more relevant at this moment than surviving a pandemic. This also demonstrates the use of pathos, as the writer is appealing to the reader’s emotions, as they want the readers to recall the anguish felt during a pandemic and compare it to living one’s entire life like this but 10 times worse. As the reader progresses, the structuring of the article is also done in a certain way to make the ideas presented as transparent as possible while still attempting to express the piece’s purpose to its audience. Medium is crucial in this piece since news stories are one of the few things that everyone on the planet reads regardless of who they are, what they do, or where they live. This article is meant to be an online newspaper since online newspapers have grown in popularity and are more accessible to everyone. Not only that, but they are available indefinitely, as opposed to paper newspapers, which are discarded, and the news is eventually forgotten.
The second type of composition is a social media post, notably an Instagram post that conveys its message through explanations, facts, figures, testimonies, and graphics. The posts are emphasized with black and white backgrounds and various colored hands. This genre is also a preferable alternative since it is brief but to the point; it exposes the problem at hand, raises questions, gives proof of how racial injustice affects society, and proposes remedies. The consumption of social media has grown tremendously strong, and the impact it has on everyone on the planet is enormous. It can spark boycotts and protests, bringing this to the attention of the right people and initiating change. The usage of emojis also has a lot to do with it; following the Black Lives Matter movement, the use of hand emojis in various hues relates to anti-racial discrimination activities. Hashtags also work to bring people and groups together who have a same goal. The use of tables, charts, and statics appeals to credibility and employs ethos to persuade the public and target audience of what is being conveyed. Finally, tagging officials such as the president and other significant authorities enables for direct communication with these individuals, or at the very least with those who can deliver the message to them. This genre provides more than one call to action. Because it is a social media post in which everyday people, particularly the youths, participate, it informs of what the government can do to help but also emphasizes how ordinary people can also support this change and how it must begin from the bottom up, unifying minorities to have their voices heard.